Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bangkok, Thailand

October 10

For the next couple of days in Bangkok I have a few things planned. Shop, pick up left luggage from The Koan San Road area and roam around. I meet my roommate and she is this New York who has been traveling around teaching, meeting new people, and letting the road lead her to different opportunities. She is a Gypsy! I found her stories fascinating but a little too embellished to be completely believable. I wonder if I will be like that one day, on the account that my life doesn't pan out the way I intend it. to.

I go with them to the MBK shopping area and find that the prices are not as good as a deal as I thought. Hats were priced at $15-$30, same as it would be in the States. I tried negotiating, but just got fed up with some of the vendors. I don't like to push and my roommate was rather aggressive. She has done this many of times and probably is part of her business, selling items back in the US. Well I kind of "lost" them and did my own thing.

After a bit I had to really make an effort to get my left luggage bag. I took the canal taxi, but it was over crowded with people commuting to work. Honestly so interesting to see people in suits and business attire riding on the canal with the water splashing occasionally. I got off at the last stop and walked to Koan San Road, it was a little bit longer of a distance than I anticipated and I was growing tiresome of walking just for a bag and losing time on my last day.

Finally when I arrived to the little internet/left luggage hostel, I retrieved my bag and found that it smelled really bad. The storage compartment wasn't muggy or warm, but the bag still picked up this strange stench. Oh well it will air out and nothing valuable was in there anyways. I made way back to my hostel at the Lub D. I wanted to return to this one shop in the shopping mall where there were tons of purses for pretty cheap. It was pretty late in the evening and I believe they already closed so I just went walking around to the outside vendors.
October 11th

Today I just had enough time to eat breakfast and make my way to the airport. I was flying out from Thailand to Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific. I asked the front desk girl what the best way to the airport was and she said the sky train, but I would have to take a taxi there, a bit of a walk. I took a taxi and honestly was getting a bit nervous that I was going to miss my flight due to traffic. I arrive at the Sky train and am waiting on the platform when I pull out my camera to take a photo. The train arrives and so I put it in my small front backpack pocket and grab my other bags. Train only took about 30mins to arrive at the airport, so fast and convenient. I get off the train and notice that my camera is not in the front pocket. I start to panic for a minute and check all the bags. I get back on the train and look under the row of seats. Nothing.... Eff I am so pissed! I want to scream. I was so good about keeping track of my valuables and here I just lost my camera. I made the mistake of not uploading the photos from the floating river in Cambodia! Was that last picture of Bangkok really worth all this? I'd say absolutely not. I go to the check in counter and drop off my bags and make my way to my gate.

I heard how Hong Kong has really cheap electronics so I should be able to find a new camera, just didn't feel like I needed one and after the last 7 months with that camera taking all my pictures I started feeling like I lost my security blanket.

On the plane during the taxi, when you are not allowed to wear headphones, I had to listen to this child wailing. I'm really not sure about this trip to Hong Kong....not off to a good start. On the plane they were selling my exact camera from the duty free for $240 USD. I was tempted to buy it as I wouldn't have to worry about shopping in the city for one. I passed the opportunity up.