Sunday, June 20, 2010

Brussels, Belgium

June 4th

Yet another train ride. I am heading from Brugge to Brussels and then from Brussels to Paris later in the day. I couldn't decide between Brugge or Brussels to visit in Belgium, but I heard good things about them both. So I made room for two cities. It was a little rushed and I didn't get to do everything I would have liked to, but that is all the more reason to come back if I like it.

The train departed at 9:58a or 10:58a, I could take either depending on how much time I wanted in Brugge. I decided to take the 10:58a train and arrive at Noon since I would already have limited time in Brussels. The train I booked from Brussels Zuid to Paris left at 4:13p and that should allow me sufficient amount of time to get a feel of the city. When I arrived I looked for the drop luggage. I followed signs, but they kept taking me in circles.

There was an information booking center, but the line seemed a little long and I should be able to find it on my own. Then I went to a lower level and came out of the station and couldn't find how to get back in ( I ended up across the street). Started getting a little frustrated as I had to pee, the backpack was making me sweat, and I felt like I was loosing time.

While outside of the Station I figured I better start enjoying some of the city. I went back in the station and the line for the tourist information was 10x longer now. Ok I am going to find a toilet. 
After going to the bathroom I felt like my head was clear and I could think straight. I go find the luggage spot, put my bag in, and hit the town. I don't have a map of Brussels, but I saw that there were many guides along the way, so I opted into not getting one.
The Grand Plaza was pretty close to the train station and I thought it would be best to go there first. On the walk I passed many shops, a market, and a church. Brussels sights seemed to be pretty condensed.
There were little food places with Belgium Waffels, Crepes, and Fries. If I stayed a couple days here I would definitely put on a few pounds.
Little market in a plaza, I looked at the stuff, but typical things that you could get anywhere.This is an indoor shopping area with some restaurants.
Making my way to the Grand Plaza

The Grand Plaza was really spectacular. The architecture of the buildings was gorgeous.
The plaza was full of vendors selling flowers, paintings, and many restaurants to eat at. It seemed like a pretty standard layout of a European plaza.
The Grand Plaza, isn't it Grand!
I made way through the streets towards the Manneken Pis. There were many quirky buildings, one has a comic stip painted on the side as Brussels is know for the Comics.

Pretty goofy and super touristy.
Made it to the Manneken Pis, he is so tiny and such a big deal. There was a huge crowd of people just viewing the fountain and taking tons of photos.

I heard of a couple of bars to go check out since they have about 400-600 beers on tap, but after just being in Brugge and experiencing it I had the feeling that I already know what I was in store for. Also I wanted to see what else I could squeeze in while just walking around, so I headed towards the Palace of Justice and found Godiva Chocolates!
Brussels was surprisingly hilly and very congested with restaurants all lined up and down the streets. The odd thing was that they all had the same type of cuisine on the menu.

The church and courtyard were right across the street from one another. Very peaceful and was able to hear some people just playing guitar under a tree.

Palace of Justice, further than it looks.

There were so many restaurants and cafes in Brussels, I started to wonder how they all stayed in business. One street had the same prices and menus. Do they buy in bulk and share the profits? Mussels and linguni were the set menu.
The trek to the Royal Palace

The Garden of the Royal Palace
Had to start heading for the train since I was only at Brussels Central and needed to get to Zuid (South) Station. There were trains that came every 15 mins, but couldn't risk missing the train to Paris.
I missed some important things like going into the Palace of Justice, the Cinquantenaire triumphal arch, and the Atomium in Heysel Park. Another day would have been perfect to see all. Also there is a brewery tour that is supposed to be superb but it was so outside the city I wouldn't have made it back - Cantillon brewery. Next time...on my way to Paris!

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