Thursday, April 15, 2010

Arrival in Munich

On my way to the airport I felt the rush start to come over me, I was really heading to Germany. All this planning and talk of the future and it was finally here. No one to join me on this adventure, just me. I luckily have friends that I will be meeting over there so it isn't too scary. When I got out the car and said goodbye to my mom I started getting a little shaky. I have done this before, gone on plenty of trips and have been fine, just remember you will be fine. I go up to the US Airways counter and there is the kiosk. Put in my Credit Card to scan for my name, it tells me to enter in my first destination. Enter in the airport code PHL, No Reservation found. OK. Try it again, No reseravtion found. We can try by Name, still nothing. One last attempt before calling over the agent. Scan the CC, enter in the airport code, no res, select finally the airline PNR, Success I have a Reservation. I was beginning to think that I was the worst travel agent and messed up my own bookng. As I grab my two boarding passes I see the first one is seat 13A, aisle, the next one is 24C. Last night it said 13A. I asked the lady is there any open window seats? Yep she said 24H. Great!

Heading through security was a flash, only a few people in front of me. I had a hour and half to kill. Board the plane and we are off to Philly no problems. I slept the whole way there. When I got in to Philly I made my way from Terminal B to Terminal A.

Only a half hour wait. There was no one even at the gate yet for the flight. Once I boarded there was on one next to me. Empty flight. Read, Ate, Snoozed, Ate, and I was in Munich.

When I arrived I sped through Customs, grabbed my bag, and headed toward the S Bahn (above).

I waited for Fabi in the Marienplatz, it was cold and rainy. The people were really funny with their umbrella's looking up at the Glockenspiel when it would play - 11:15a and Noon.

Once we met up I dropped off my luggage at Thomas and Cordula's and we went to lunch. Fabi wanted to know what I was hungry for? Susage and Saurekaut of course! We went to this little Bavarian Restaurant located in the Viktualienmarkt called Balentin Stuberl

After about an hour I felt really tired and had to head home to finally go to sleep. I woke up at 6:30p when Thomas and Cordula came home and made me Sausage and Sauerkarut. It was delicious :)

1 comment:

  1. I liked reading about your feelings before leaving. I guess it's the counselor in me.
