Right when I arrived Bene and I had a beer and then a glass of wine. We met Ursi at this bar her friend was DJ-ing for. She was about to leave and we had to keep her out for more celebrations. Although it was only Friday and we also had Saturday and Sunday to drink. This is what I needed after the first week being in a new city with a new family. Let loose and let the fun start!
After the fun we went home and the next day Felix made Bene and me some breakfast!! It was delicious; scrambled eggs with peppers and bacon, coffee, and toast. We headed out for the day to do some errands; grocery shopping, I had to buy books for my class that started on Monday, and had to stop for ice cream.
Then it was time to head to the Hirschgarten where we met up with Felix's friends from Uni. We drank Radler as it was a hot hot day. Also we would be going to Ursi's bday party later. Oh this is us hydrating before hand, Apfelsaft!
This was my first time at the Hirschgarten, it is very close to Bene and Felix's flat and Katherine and Ursi live next to Bene and Felix. About a 15 min walk. We were there all weekend.
The cart that comes to bring all the empties away.
The pic is of the cotton candy, no color, craziness.
Beer and Cake, yummy!
The place was brand new and Ursi invited all her friends, it was wall to wall people. By the end of the night we could not move. Pretty good turn out!
Its midnight!! Cheers to Ursi...
Kiki, Cordula, Lisa, and Bene...
The next day we went back to the Hischgarten for a day of celebrating her actual birthday. There was so much food we were stuffed!! We also enjoyed a nice Radler in the hot sun. There were some people playing frisbee in the park!
Oh my, I need these pics from my birthday party! I just found out you posted them on your blog. Awesome!! Talk to you soon.