Thursday, July 1, 2010

Swim Lessons

I got back from Paris and that week Jason started swim course, Friday afternoon. Annie his cousin also was taking the course. Sabine and I took the kids (Jason, Annie, and Johnny) for their first day. Johnny is so funny because he wants to do everything that the older kids do! Whenever he wants to say me, he says "iiie" as in ich (I).

The kids had to wait in the sun for about 15 mins before the course started. It was so hot and they were so bored.
Johnny was so funny with his water wings on! He plays in water every chance he gets!

There is this Giant Elephant slide the kids were playing on. Johnny hurt himself going up one time, but it didn't scare him off.
The kids always say koch mal Lisa - not sure if it is spelled right, but they want me to look at them. 

They are so cute and have so much fun!

Johnny is afraid to go under the waterfall.

After the 5 hours of playing at the swim park I was dead tired.

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