Sunday, October 31, 2010

Siem Reap/Angkor Wat, Cambodia

October 8th
Arrived in Bangkok at 5a, ended up speaking to the girl next to me and some others on the bus. They were in search for a place to sleep, I haven't yet decide if I could stay awake or not. I walked with them for an hour and then was ready to sleep. Went back to My House Guesthouse since it was so cheap, but when I checked the toilets they weren't even wiped down from the previous person being in there. The seats were wet from when they showered.

I went to New Siam as a couple said that the place was good enough. I was on the 5th floor. When I went to shower they were all occupied and went down to the next level.

Went back to sleep for 3 hours. Since I have been storing some stuff since I arrived I wanted to make sure my things were still there. Take a walk down to the storage place, yup everything was fine, the bag just smells a bit. Need to do laundry badly.

Then I went to go find a market and roam around. I reached a market near Khao San Rd. and pick up a couple of dresses, then I walked towards the National Museum. When I came out of the museum Nate and my tuk tuk driver asked me "where you go". I started laughing couldn't believe that the same exact guy came up to me, then I said you already drove me once before and he pointed to a man behind him and said teacher. The guy that directed us to the sites before. We so fell apart of the scam. I waved and walked towards the Grand Palace, Wat Kho is just behind it with the reclining Buddha.

It really annoyed all the tuk tuks that I wanted to walk. All I heard all day was " where you go? "Or here is this site as I stood in front of it. I made my way to China town wanted to see the gates, but got trapped in the beauty if the markets. It was awesome to walk through the wholesale warehouse.

Then it was about time to walk back. Wanted to eat before the flight and get the bus ticket to the airport booked.

I went pretty quickly and was going to make it back by 3p but then I missed my turn and went 10 mins out of the way. Ended up getting to the travel place at 3:25, ask for the bus ticket and she said minivan is 130b leaves at 4pm. Cutting it close but say ok. Then she said they were full for the 4p hour.

She makes another call and tells me tone ready in 20mins. My place is right next door so I run up and pack everything. Go downstairs and a guy comes a long saying airport. Yes, wait 5 mins. Turns out to be 10, but we set out and have to pick two more people up and transfer vans.

Not worried about time am allowing 2.5 hours to get to the gate. The guy was crazy driving on the shoulder and cutting people off, got us there in an hour. Not bad during rush hour.

Go through check in and there was no one in line. Then security was super quick. Walk along the shops, Bangkok's airport is super large. I realized the time and thought I should eat. The prices were equivant to the US. Figured I would eat in Cambodia. Go to board the plane and two guys are talking, they sound worried about flying, entry, and just over cautious with their travels. We start talking and they sit one row behind me. Then we grabbed a cab together and I went to Mandalay Guesthouse.

When I arrived the guy came out asked if I wanted to stay there and grabbed my bag. Then I get the room for two nights. Go put my stuff in and ask him about the best way to get to and around Angkor. He said he could drive me on the motorbike. Tben said the best time to go is for sunrise.

That is a 4:30a wake up call. Ok let's do it only once right. We would leave by 4:50a.

I go back to my room and 30 mins later Dave and Paul come to the hotel to find their friends. I get a knock at my door and join them out. First we walk to Pub St to see what the night life is like, there is a holiday tonight and the bars are filled. The music is so incredibly loud and not really appealing to stay. Check out Angkor What? to see if their friends are in there. Leave immediately when we don't find them. Walk over to the store to get a beer so we can walk around the night market area. On the way in a little boy runs and grabs my hand and arm. Then follows us in the store and asks me to buy him milk priced at $11. Wow this kid is trained, I say no and he goes for the cheaper brand, still say no. Then he goes for the .65 individual milk. I buy my beer and his milk. Just wanted the kid to let go of his grip on my arm. Then we go to the night market. They sell everything for the same price as the States, have to really bargin with them.

Start to walk back towards the bars and see the fish tank you put your feet in, $3 for the tank and a beer. Paul and I try it out. Feels kind of akward at first and then pretty good. Not sure if it improved anything but let's assume it did. There are two bars that have a crowd on the street Angkor What and Temple, What was jammed packed so we went to Temple, stayed for a drink and then said it was time to go.
Got a tuk tuk even though the walk is 2 mins away.

October 9th

4:30a rolls around rather quick and I hop out of bed. My driver and I take off and stop at the ATM to pay for the $20 ticket.

The ticket to Angkor is pretty cool, take your photo and have to show it at every Temple. Still dark when I walk up towards Angkor and can't see the steps, wish I had a light. Hear the pond is best to catch a great photo. Then I went inside while the mass of people stood outside. It is truly a sight to see and when the sun hits the temple it illuminates it perfectly.

After much time in the temple I go back by the pond and take some more pictures. Love the height of the sun and the reflection in the pond.

I debate about eating and decide it would be best to beat the crowds and go to the next temple, Angkor Thom, this one is huge and has an entry gate that leads up to Bayon. So impressive I am starting to think I planned the trip perfectly, see the smaller Temples and Ruins in Thailand and end with Angkor.

I climb up the temple, walk on Terrace of the Elephants, and pass Phimeanakas. I am really hungry now and stop at one of the stalls. Start to think I should have eaten by the enterance as the conditions don't look to appealing. I am the only tourist around. The food comes and I ordered bread with egg and fried potatoes. Translation toasted French roll, melted Swiss cheese packet, fried egg, and greasy fries. It turns my stomach a bit. I also got a mixed fruit drink (can) to balance the price evenly.

I eat and either need to vomit or poop, the fries were the worst part and I ate all, but I couldn't think of wasting food here.

Walk towards North Kleang and a young boy starts asking where I come from and talking to me. He gives me his tour and is very informative, tells me about the symbols and meanings of the temples. I offer him a dollar and he says he wants my 100b in my wallet. This shocks me how fast his eyes move to my currency. Well I tell him $2 or 50b and then let him know I didn't ask for his tour. Does the spiel about attending school and needing 100b. I leave and go on to the next temple, Ta Keo.

Cambodia can be cheap but there are certain things that help make you spend money quick. Siem Reap is the most expensive city in Cambodia. I really liked Ta Keo although it was not ranked so high on the temple ratings. I hiked up the top and was dripping sweat. It was really steep. I took a break and sat for a little before we moved to the next.

I was able to get the small circuit finished and some of the big before working up an appetite again and we were in front of Angkor again where there was a nice restaurant. I sat down at the table and Mr. Kat told me to order the Amok, Cambodian favorite. It was very good and enjoyed it. Cambodian food is not spicy at all like Thai.

Once I finished we went to some other Temples and the last one being a Hindu temple. You are able to tell immediately the difference between the Buddha and Hindu temples. This was the last before my camera battery died. Forgot to charge it the night before. There were way too many clouds for the sunset to be special so I asked to be taken back.

Once I got to the guesthouse I grabbed a quick shower and put my pictures on the computer, then I passed out. Was exhausted from the day. I woke up and there was a message from Paul and Dave saying dinner at 8-8:30p. I got up and was still tired but proceeded to get ready. Last night here, make the most of it. I then had to lay down, really tired. It was 8p and raining very hard. I walked to the lobby and no one was there. I went back to the room and thought I could just sleep the whole night. Rain stopped rather quickly and I went back outside and they were all there. There was about 8 people. I got introduced and some thought I was in their program in Hong Kong, nope just a stray.

We walk to a restaurant that one of the girls heard about and some of us wanted to order a bunch of stuff and just spilt. We ordered a bottle of wine, it was pretty good (Australian). I saw this dish that had pumpkin and eggplant and said we have to get that. Dave did all the ordering for us and did a great job. Plenty of food, but everyone ate it all. I took some pictures of the feast. We all got up to find the night market and maybe get our feet eaten by the fishes.

I bought some shirts and scarfs, but was kind of bummed that I had to carry them the whole night. We sat at a small bar outside and talked. Dave really wanted to dance and we finished our beer and went in. Ordered us Vodka Tonics only a $1, so nuts. We lost some people and it was just Dave, Chris, and Paul left. The guys were pretty funny, they were holding my bags for me while dancing. Ended being kind of a late night and I had a tour the next day at 8am. I got dropped off and went to bed.

October 10th

The next day I go for my tour to the floating village. It is only a few hours so I left my stuff in the room and would check out once I returned. I had way to many things and needed to buy another luggage. I get picked up by the guides and we drive down to the boats. The ride wasn't very long, but it was amazing to see a whole village living on boats. There was a Catholic church, a school, houses, farmers, fisherman, you name it. Then I had a nice lunch on a huge boat. Layed in a hamock while they prepared it. Nice peaceful and relaxed day. They made me two dishes since I was the only one, sweet and sour chicken and beef with beans. It was very tasty just a lot of food. Then dessert was watermelon and pineapple.

After lunch we headed back to land and while driving I saw a pomegraten field and asked to stop to take some photos. I had to walk through someones house and in water as it was all flooded from the rain. Took some photos and returned back to the car. Once we got back I went straight to the room to shower and pack. I checked out and left my bags in the hallway.

I planned on doing some shopping and since my bags we overfull now I thought I should get a suitcase. I went to the old market and bought a dress and a suitcase. Needed to go to the ATM if I wished to shop more. I was to tired and winded from the lack of sleep the past couple of nights that I just went back to the guesthouse. My flight was at 6p and I would leave at 4p. I had some time to waste. Could have easily put my pictures on the computer from the day but I didn't. I was going to try and meet up with Dave and Paul again for lunch but they had a cooking course and probably weren't too hungry.

At 3p I went to pick up my laundry that I dropped off yesterday. The lady needed 24 hours, that is a long time in my opinion. When I went to pick it up the boy was like is every in there? I have no idea I will have to check. I went across the street and started putting it in my new luggage. I am missing all my pants. I run back over and say I have no pants. The lady runs to the dryer and is says I am so sorry. Haha I would not get very far with a pair of short shorts for the next couple of days.

Time for my flight and I ask the tuk tuk to stop at the ATM. I grab some money out and go to pay him. He has no change for the $20. I try to find change, but now I have to buy something. I am a little peeved because he  knew I would be stopping at the ATM on the way to the airport. I give him the $4 and thank him. I think he was bummed that I didn't tip.

I finish my ice cream from Dairy Queen and go into the airport to check in. There is no line again. There is an exit visa that you must pay, $25. I knew about the entry visa of $20 but an exit visa, man they get ya. So I pay and go sit at my gate. There is the most beautiful sunset tonight. It was a vibrant orange. Of course. The plane only has about 10 passengers and we load up pretty quickly.
I am a little nervous because I decided that I didn't want to stay in the same area as before in Bangkok. I haven't booked a room anywhere yet and wasn't sure where I would be sleeping. I get into Bangkok and book and bus ticket for Siam, AE4. I take the bus and get off at MBK (huge shopping area). I plan on shopping all day tomorrow so this is right where I want to be. I also have to get that left luggage before the day is over.

I walk toward two guesthouses listed in the Lonely Planet and feel like I have walked to far. I start to see bright lights and there is a new modern looking hostel. I go to check it out. They just opened a few months ago and I ask how much. The guy tells me you are in luck there is a promotion going on for the dorms at 330b per night. In this area I read it is 400-600b. Damn right I am in luck. I ask to see it and it is amazing. There is a section just for women, showers and bathrooms are luxurious, wash/dryer and free Wi-Fi. What! I'll take it. I feel like my day just got that much better. I drop my stuff and I pass out.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Doi Suthep, Thailand

October 6th

Wake up 3 times in the night not feeling up to par. Kerstin, Andrew and I eat, then we pack up our bags and check out. Have to be back at 1p to turn in the bikes. Kerstin and I set off on our own. Make it to the trail and start hiking. Today I feel my run in my calves, good run yesterday. We were figuring that the 2.5 had to be kilometers.

The trail was good although we had to walk through the water and Kerstin didn't have proper shoes. She was afraid of falling with her bag so waited for me as I went on to see what was there. The end was right there, a cave and the a water way that went to another waterfall. It was awesome how I had to get to it, rock climbing and making way through all the fresh spider webs.

We left and tried to head for the wat on the hill. Same route as yesterday and couldn't find it. Our fuel was on E so we hurried back and dropped off the bikes with the boys. The people handed Andrew his passport and didn't inspect the bikes, whew got away with the damages.

Booked our mini bus back to Chiang Mai and went for lunch, seems like we never miss meal. Got some Pad Thai but I knew it would not be as good as the other night. The bus ride this time was much more smooth. We were in Chiang Mai before we knew it. Went in search for Your Guesthouse. Patrice looked it up, ran by a French man. 30mins later we say let's just pick a different place. Find Your guesthouse and Patrice said it was too quiet. We walk back by Giant guesthouse. Free water, rea, and coffee and there is a kitchen (150b).

Great put our things in the room and go for dinner. Eating again, I just ordered some chips and a beer. Then we go into 7 Eleven and buy a beer to walk around with before deciding where we want to go next. There is a car bar set up with stools and tables, go for a beer there.

Return to the guesthouse and met some new people, they were all French. Hung out for a bit and it was a good last night for our group.

October 7th

Well it hits me hard. Feel awful. Kerstin and Andrew are leaving for their meditation clinic today do we go down to eat breakfast, find this little bakery and it is delicious. I got lemongrass tea and banana french toast. Say our goodbyes and then I go back to bed. Patrice and I are going to Doi Suthep later by motorbike.

I wake up feeling a little better and go to print out my information for Cambodia need a visa form, copy of my passport, passport photos, and the flight details. There was a print shop and kodak right next to one another. Done in 5 mins and just need to pick up the photos later.

I return to get Patrice and we find a shop to rent motorbikes. They are completely professional and have insurance. We only were renting one given my skills on the bike, the city is just to over crowed and going up the mountain is not smart.

Getting out of the city and up to the top took 40mims. We walked to the staircase that leads to the temple. It was a bit of a struggle since we were not 100% yet.

Then we pay the 30b for entry and walk around. There were people in a class international Buddhist meditation center, exactly the sort of thing Kerstin and Andrew are doing. I go get an ice cream to try and cool down. We sit on a bench overlooking the city below. after a bit we get up to go into the temple and we see Andrew and Kerstin. Their meditation thing here, crazy. Pretty good that we didn't originally come up here with them, they now have 10days there.

Kerstin left her iPod in the room and o was really wishing I put it on my backpack to give to her. We are going to just mail it up to the center. Say goodbye again and head back down the mountain. There was much more too see up there, waterfalls and wats on the way but just don't have enough time. Arrive safely back in town and drop the bike. Then I have to just pick up the photo and see if the post office is open. This one was closed and it was only 6pm. I stop to grab a kebap for the bus ride.

The taxi comes at 6:40p and takes me to the bus. It is no where as nice as the one from Sukhothai to Chiang Mai. Real shame going to be a shitty 11 hour ride. I have a seat to my self so at least I can spread out. Another taxi comes and tons of people board. A girl asks me if she can sit next to me, really sucks because there are only men with open seats so of course I say yes. Give her the window, but now I can't recline my seat as the guy behind me is really tall. To add I am not feeling any air coming down on me and start to sweat like crazy. I fell asleep for 30 mins and then I couldn't take it anymore. I had to recline, went to the seat across from me. Lots of leg room and could recline.

We had a break and the girl apologized for me having to move. Let her know it is much better now. Get some water and back on the bus. I slept almost the entire way.

Pai, Thailand

October 4th

Wake up early have a phone date with Alan!! Been on the go so much we havent been able to talk on the phone. After catching up I ate a quick breakfast and packing my things we were on our way to Pai. Wasn't sure if I was going to go up for 1 or 2 nights. Left at 10:30a and had the ride up, the ride was horrible, the driver drove super fast and we were all sick from the whipping and turning fast on the curves. I thought I was going to throw up. It was too hot, fast, and I was tired.

We arrive safe enough and walk to find a place to sleep. Turn to the right and there is a place listed in LP called Baan Pai Village. We check it out and Kerstin was sold. The rooms were luxurious showers huge bed with mosquito net and the garden area had a Coy pond. Sat to get some lunch and I get a yogurt smoothie, was amazing. Then I just loaded some pics, and relaxed. Kerstin and I walked around Pai for an hour. Really small town, reminds me of Flagstaff just way more touristy. They really play up the love for the town on shirts, magnets, and anything you look at in a store. It was all so colorful but a bit overdone.

We stopped to get some fruit and ended up with quite a bit. Apples, grapes, and some potato looking fruit. Then we saw the boys sitting in a restaurant and drinking a beer. We sat for a bit and then walked back to the accommodation for some dinner.
I was really hungry and realized I didn't eat much today, ordered some tofu green curry, the tofu was enormous and delicious. I was pretty sleepy from the day and atmosphere and went to get a good night sleep.

October 5th

Wake up at 8:30a and feel good. Ready to get this day started, today we are renting motorbikes and riding around the mountains!! Kerstin wakes up and we grab breakfast. I ordered some rice with pork and egg. It reminded me of shrimp fried rice omeletts but it actually was not even close. After breakfast I knew the boys were going to take awhile getting ready so I went for a run.

Went up the hill towards the temple on the hill. There were many many stairs and it was very steep, when I reached the top the gate was locked. Poop. Go back down and continue my run. Only went for 32 min. Everyone was just finishing what they were doing and we got ready to go rent motor bikes!!
Was a bit nervous as I never drove one. There were a couple of routes to waterfalls but first we just drove around to get comfortable on the bikes. Then made a loop and towards the first waterfall. The scenery was so beautiful along the way, corn fields and mountains everywhere. We passed a Chinese town on the way to the first waterfll. Once we reached the fall we all talked about how much were enjoying the bikes, but still not used to the turns. The fastest I would go was 60.

The waterfall was nothing compared to Erawan, but there was a nice view of the town and a cool little slide. Kind of reminded me of slide rock in AZ.
Then we went to the Chinese community. There was a ferris wheel that was man operated, I wanted to go on it so bad. Kerstin went with me and was on first. She sounded petrified and I was laughing the whole time. Thought it was loads of fun. We went into a little tea house and had some free tea, they had really awesome tea sets but I couldn't imagine lugging it around. I did find little rat Chinese zodiac and bought it. Couldn't wait until Hong Kong.

We went to another waterfalll. This trail was much longer. There was a truck coming up from behind me and actually cut off Andrew. Patrice and Kerstin pulled off the side, wanted to take a picture and I was thinking oh good we will get this guy to pass. I put the brake on and the bike skidded and I fell over. It didn't hurt and I felt ok, but then I went to pick up the bike without realizing that the engine is still on and it will take off. I was going pretty fast holding on to the handles, trying to grab the brake and steered it away from Patrice and Kerstin, end up right in a ditch. Oops. Being a little startled and thinking about the damage that could have been done to me, we pulled the bike out. There was a chipped piece on the side and the mirrors were scuffed up.

Patrice and Andrew repaired the basket and the plastic on the light. It didn't look too bad. I got a little scrap from all that one my knee and thigh. I sure am lucky. We played over how much will it cost and are they going to notice.

Figured out that I used the front brake only and not both and since it was on sand made me fall over. Now I know not to pick up a bike that is still on. Made it to the other waterfall and it was much more impressive. There was a trail and we started going up it, but it was already 4p and would be getting dark soon. Some people said it was a bit of a ways out and Kerstin said she was something 2.5 on a map. We turned back around and headed to the hot springs. Since it was late we got in for free. The park was going under a lot of construction but the springs were awesome. Some people were cooking bags if food in the 80 degrees one.

Then we left to go to the Temple on the hill. Patrice turned to go down and I watched Andrew struggle a bit with it and when I went to go, the turn was too sharp and the bike fell over. I was so tired by this time and needed to call it quits. Turned off the engine and picked up the bike.

We went back to the guesthouse. Ordered some dinner and I got a Mai Tai, need a drink. Also got some fish ‘n chips. A couple at another table ordered tons of food and told us to come have some so I went over to them and was talking about where they were from and my accident. Super nice people from Denmark. Then my food arrived.

Then we walked around town, found a great book store. Picked up a new book to read, The Second Sex. Walked a little more, I wanted to find this owl that I saw yesterday in a shop, but the shop wasn't open. Andrew was beat from the night before so went to bed, and the three of us went to a bar. The bar we found had some really great recycled pieces; a table out of a bike and a table painted to look like a piano. We played 3 games of Jenga, loads of fun. Went to scope out a new place and the next bar had some live music, had a beer and listened. We were going for a hike the next morning so we went back after that.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Elephant Nature Park, Thailand

October 3rd

This morning Kerstin and I were up bright and early. We were heading to the Elephant Nature Park. Basically go learn about the Asian Elephants, feed them, and bathe them. We walk across the street at 8am to get some breakfast, pick up should be around 8:30a. Order some homemade yogurt, museli, and fruit with a coffee. Then the van pulls up to get us. We were kind of scrambling to get everything in a take away container. My homemade yogurt was in a pre-packaged container from the store. Yum The food was still good regardless. Sat in the van and ate. We picked up 6 others from a near by guesthouse and then had an hour drive on our way up to the camp.

To pass the time we watched a documentary from National Geographic on the camp and the owner, Leks. She opened the camp back in 95 and had adopted 4 elephants at the time. Currently there are 33 rescued elephants at the camp. They are endangered and only 1000 left in SE Asia.

We arrive and get some instructions on how to behave around the elephants as they can become aggressive at time. They were severely abused by their previous owners. The goal of the company was very enlightening and inspirational. Had no idea the poor conditions that elephants were brought up in to have them become labors for tourism. When they are four years old, they are beaten down to instill fear and learn commands. The process takes 4-7 days depending on how much the elephant tries to defend itself.

We first went to feed them and then pet them. Had to grow comfortable enough to go down in the grounds with them. They eat watermelon, pumpkin, and bananas. Many of the elephants that the camp rescued have poor dietary intake. When you see them in the streets being paraded around Bangkok and Chiang Mai they eat anything and everything. Fruit and trees are the best food for them. Living in the cities they become stressed as their feet are very sensitive and feel all the vibrations around them; cars, people, lights, motorbikes, and anything else that moves. One of the elephants was a street elephant and got hit by a car, now has a damaged hip and can't walk properly. These animals are the symbol of Thailand and worshipped in temples, but mistreated so badly.

Once we fed some of them, they were getting ready for their bathing time. During this time it was already time for us to eat lunch. They prepared a Thai buffet full of curries, fruits, and many vegetarian dishes. The food was very good. At the camp you also see many other animals, they are all rescued as well; dogs, cats, cows, and water buffalo. The community is only on 150 acres and they are looking into getting more land to grow the camp. There are nearby villages that also partner up with them. They trade for crops and use their resources and labor. The hut was built to be sturdy enough for the elephants to come and scratch themselves on it, they have very itchy skin.

For their bath, we walked down to the river with them and poured buckets of water on them. They would stand, lay, swim, and roll over in the water. These massive animals are really playful and gentle, was incredible to engage in their behavior. We washed one and she was blind. Her owner treated her so badly as to hit her when she wouldn't move fast enough and stabbed her with a wooden stick with nails on the end and hit her in the eyes. There were some horrific stories for everyone of them.

There was so much information on the elephants I wanted to retain it all. They are pregnant for 2 years and are identified by certain characteristics, skin color, humps on their head, and toes. They need to bathe in the water to keep cool, right after they go into the mud and spray dirt on themselves as it asks a a sunscreen and protects them. Elephants only sleep 4 hours in the night and spend most of their time eating thorough out the day and night.

We were able to spend lots of time with them, petting and learning all about them. The day went by pretty fast. We headed back to our guesthouse and the guide asked me if I wanted to grab a drink or dinner and talk more about elephants. I said no and got out of the van. We met back up with the boys and they were in a Thai cooking class the whole day. Kerstin and I plan on doing that either in Pai or when we come back on Wednesday. Depending on how long we go to Pai for, we leave in the morning at 10am and it is about 3.5hours by mini bus.

Go shower and clean up to head out for dinner and some coffee. Walk over to the Sunday Night Market, supposed to be better than the Saturday one we went to yesterday. Since I did a lot of shopping last night not sure how much I will get tonight. There was a Pizza place right at our entrance, so we sit down there. Kerstin and I split and pizza. We have some great conversations and get up to walk along the market. We are over it in about 10 mins as it is all the same stuff from yesterday. I would say there are more clothes available, but I saw the same stands repeated. We all agree to go relax at a bar and have one drink. The Pirate's Cove was closed so we walked to a Reggae bar down the street from our guesthouse. Walk in and the bartender lets us know that there is seating upstairs on the terrace.

Some locals are sitting up there and celebrating a birthday party. Pretty awesome time, we talked with them the whole time and learned some more Thai words. Then they offered some fresh grilled fish and muscles. The food was delicious. The time ran fast and I was exhausted. Called it a night and went back to our guesthouse.

Chiang Mai, Thailand

October 2nd

Once we arrived in Chiang Mai we headed for Julie's house. The reception did not open for another 15mins. We were the third to check in and got a room for the 4 of us only paying 160b for the two nights. We went to breakfast at Aromas on the street as our room was not ready yet. They had the most amazing coffee here. I read that the coffee and tea planations are easily visited in the North and would love the chance to go to one. After bfast I took a quick shower and waited about 20 mins, the room was ready momentarily. Dropped our bags and went for a walking tour of the Wats and temples in the old city.

Chiang Mai is easy to walk and get around. We went to Chedi Luang for a good hour, I knew what was on the list but not sure if the boys were aware. Taking our time walking it took a lot of energy in the heat . We stopped for a good while each time, only made it to Wat Phra Singh.

Then said we should go back and rest if we wanted to go up to Doi Suthep. Easiest way to get up there is rent a motorbike or get a tuk tuk. The others were wearing down and didn't want to go anymore. I was debating how to get there.
Decided I should relax if we were going to the night market as well. Kerstin and I made plans to go to the Elephant Nature Park in the morning. We talked with the guy on 2 different ones and he was pushing the one we didn't want. I said we should wait and Kerstin started to think the one she heard about there was no riding the elephants, we asked if they had that and he said yes. We signed up.
We all regroupped around 5:30p, I spoke to some German girls from Dusseldorf and Berlin. They were sisters traveling and the one was really sick for the past 3 days. Found out she was a nanny in Chicago. Some others talked about how great the Thai cooking class is and I was wishing I had time to do that as well.

I changed my clothes and was ready to go shopping at the night market. There is a special one on Saturdays. Then we were waiting another 40mins because no one was entirely ready. I debated about eating and was going to wait to get some market food.

We set out there was about 8 of us, too many, to go shopping. I stopped for food and the others left. Andrew, Kerstin, and I all sat to eat. I got Pad Thai with Tofu and it was the best yet. Then we were ready to shop. The street was huge it went for about 2k full of stands. You had to kind of watch for stuff you liked because they had everything.
It was just Kerstin and I for the last hour and half since the boys went to watch the Thai boxing. I bought a few things and touched everything in sight. Then we headed back because it was very tiredsome.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sukhothai, Thailand

September 30th
Couldn't sleep last night, mosquito in the net Kerstin and I set up. We are leaving on the 6am train, 5a rolls around and we pack up to leave. Patrice is taking a little longer than all of us (becoming a standard thing) so Andrew and Kerstin take off for the train station to buy tickets. We are about 2 mins behind them.

Walk up and buy the tickets to Phitsanulok (50b) where we will take a bus transfer to Sukhothai. I walk over to buy some water and a man has something cooking in a steamer, I ask what it is, he tried to tell me and all I knew was one had pork. I will get the other one. Can't decide if I should buy two so just get the one. The others are already on the train. Sit down and eat it, sweet and savory. I want another one. Andrew asked me to get him two as well.

They were black bean or poi. Whatever it was I enjoyed every bite. The train takes off and the sun is just rising, beautiful view of Khoa Rom off in the distance. The marsh looking water are rice fields. Super hot on this train 3rd class, just fans. We find out we are now 65 mins delayed. Still have to make a transfer to the bus, walk from the station and go left. Think it was 2 blocks down. We had to walk back up once we saw the buses all the locals said Suhkothai, there. They all know that their city is just for a transfer.

We thought we were on our way but this bus only brought us to the main station. There was an hour wait there. I took a nap on the bus and we arrived an 1:20 mins later. Took a tuk tuk to Garden hostel, grabbed two bungalows and relaxed.

Just walked around new Sukhothai and it rained. Ran into a cafe while waiting for it to stop and enjoyed a beer. Then we started to get hungry and there was a restaurant called Poo. We had to go there, it acutally was Thai and Belgium influence. They and Belgium chocolate for dessert with vanilla ice cream. It was amazing. Went back to the guesthouse and hung out for an hour before getting ready for bed.

October 1st

Today we planned to wake up early to get a start on the day. Lots to see and do, the heat gets exhausting later on. Woke up at 6a, showered and packed my bag. Met the others for breakfast at 7a. Ordered an omlette with tomato and cheese comes with onion as well. It was pretty oily and only ate half. Kertsin and Andrew were both feeling ill instantly. Andrew threw up and 10 minutes later so did Kerstin. They took their malaria pill on an empty stomachs and got sick.

Everything was better on another 10min and we headed for the bus. It was only 200m down and the driver saw us walking and waved to us. They all really know. The park is 12km away and get let out by the bikes. Rent them for 30b and set out. Realize that the park is really easy to navigate and small. Could do the whole thing in a day no problem. We come to an enterance for Wat Si Chum and are told we have to pay 100b per zone. Things have changed from what they were in the books two years before used to be able to buy a 30 day pass for the whole park. We keep going and will decide later if we want to go.

Come to another wat here and there, rode to the center of the historic park. It was midday and the heat started to hit us. Felt like we were slowing down. Went to one more and decided we should go and get some food.

Ride over to Old City GH and eat in that area. I did not feel well at all. Was sick and weak, thought I was going to pass out. We finish up there and find a place to lay down and sleep.Go to sleep for two hours. Not sure how we are going to make it until 1a for that bus to Chiang Mai. Wake everyone up and go riding still have 2 hours with the bikes. Take a loop and we are at the bike rental. Really small area, go to Wat Prang Thong and then it started to rain. Return the bikes as we know the storms roll in rather quickly. Hop on the bus back to New Sukhothai and it is down pouring. Get off and no rain in NS, walk and see a sign for coffee and massages exactly what we were looking for. Walk into Pai Coffee and ask the prices for massages and ask if the 4 of us can get them.

While waiting they bring us some fresh cold lemon water. Then they are ready for us, we are pretty dirty from riding the whole day. They clean our feet and the place is so nice I have a good feeling about this.

The thai massage was better than the oil massage I had on the beach in Koh Phangan and cheaper. We all finish and are satisfied with getting them, kersten said hers was a little hard. It was the first professional massage for them. We sit drink a coffee and they bring us a free tea with it, then a moment later the guy brings us some mosquito repellent since they were all taking about our horrible bites.

Dinner at Rom Phos restaurant in the night market. Vegetarian dinner for Andrew tonight! I ordered the fried glass noodles with veggies. Refreshed we go back to the guesthouse for a few hours and decided to walk the 3k to the bus station. Once we arrive we find out that the bus was an hour late last night. Get a beer and sit on the curb chatting away until 2am. The bus was on time and we all are grateful. The attendant gives us the back seats and they fully recline. Actually get some sleep on the bus trip.

Lopburi, Thailand

September 29th,

Didn't sleep at all, there were birds and animals making so much noise as well as my mosquito bites itching all night. I get up at 6am rinse and go see if the internet is back on. I am not liking how they turn it off at certain hours. Makes it really hard to try and connect with anyone back home. Alan is still at work so I get to talk to him for about an hour. Need to finish up booking the rest of my trip and figure out how I am getting from one point to the next. Also get my flights from San Franscico to Portland and Portland to Chicago booked.

It is now 8am and I planned on going to the Wat, Andrew was a maybe but showed up and we go get a Tuk Tuk. It will be 200b for the roundtrip, Patrice is staggering behind and joins us. It only takes about 10 mins to get there and spend about 30mins. We wanted to be back before 10a since they planned on going to Bang Pa In. I am tiring already and thinking I am not going to make the trip, but wait for them to get back to go to Lopburi with them.

The Wat was really different, there are not that many buddha wats in Ayuthaya and this one had over 200. The eyes were quite scary as they looked like the inside of glossy sea shells, when you moved it looked as if they were watching you. It reminded me of Congo. We were already sweating so bad and left. When we got back to Tony's Kerstin was eating breakfast and waiting for us. We ordered our food and sat for a bit. I mentioned I was not going to Bang Pa In and then Patrice said he didnt want to go as well. Looks like we will just head straight for Lopburi. This seems like a more relaxed plan.

The bill came and my food was not on there, so it was free. Had cereal, fruit, and yogurt. Check out time was 11am, packed up my things and waited in the restaurant area for them. The easiest way to get from Ayuthaya to Lopburi is by train. Takes about an 1.5. Kerstin suggests we walk to the train station and I suggest a Tuk Tuk. We asked how much for the Tuk Tuk and it is 50B for all 4 of us. Yes I we should take it. Then we go to the corner and they want us to pay 80, I walk away and another comes up and I say 50B for all to train. Hop in and go. The walk would have been miserable with all our stuff especially since we would still need the ferry to cross over. We arrived in 15 mins.

The next train is leaving at 1:05p, we have an hour to kill. Try to come up with a plan when we are there, heard it is so small and not really a place to stay. The only problem might be leaving after an hour or two and having to find a place in Sukhothai around midnight. Go to buy our tickets and it is 13B. We arrive in Lopburi at 2:20p and go to a guesthouse to find out the best way to Sukhothai, they tell us the train to Phitsanulok, but it would be too late to make the connecting bus there to Sukhothai. Looks like we have our decision made.

We get two rooms at Noom Guesthouse right on the corner. It is beginning to rain, we had it perfect timing. The rain was coming down so hard. Kerstin and I are rooming in the double bed and the boys have the room with the twin beds, for the one night is way only 125b per person. Glad it was so cheap.

The rain started calming down and there was a weekly market being setup. We only had about 15 mins to check out some of the museums as they close at 4p. Walk over and the guard tells us it is so late just go in for free. Thanks! The Palace had a great museum, really modern and you can tell that they are making it a bigger tourist destination. There was artifacts, buddhas, and pottery from all over Central Thailand dating from 13-16th century.
After we were really hungry and saw tons of street vendors, Andrew and Kerstin were more set on a restaurant, so we kept walking to see some more of the attractions. We walked and started seeing lots of monkeys. There were so many just climbing buildings, one stole a necklace, and others playing on cars. You can go into the Wat but I thought it was more interesting seeing them in the streets. Also I didn't want on jumping on me as they are pretty dirty from the rain and mud.

The town of Lopburi is so small that we were already back by the street market. Walked through the market and it was the best one I have seen yet, fresh salads, rice dishes, muscles, clams, shrimps, and desserts. Much different than any other. Patrice and I wanted to eat at the market and Kerstin and Andrew were still set on the restaurant. We pick a place where we can sit and eat.

I go get the salad and then some noodles with prawns and mushrooms. It ended up being so much food but the variety was good. Oh and one vendor had popcorn, bought that too. We sat outside at the guesthouse we can watch the people shop in the market and there was also a square with people doing aerobics. The King set up these free classes for people to learn these dance aerobics. Pretty funny, but a great way to bring their community together and stay fit. I tried a new beer, Leo, and it was ok. The label had Munchen written on it, Kerstin and I found that a bit odd. Andrew claimed that it tasted like Carlsberg, but we said no way. The music at the guesthouse for the evening was Oasis and Nirvana. Strange to hear in the middle of Lopburi.
It was almost 9p and we needed to pick up somethings for our train ride tomorrow morning, we were aiming for 6am. The store we found didn't have too much of a selection, but with the bread had Jiff Peanut Butter, no price. I picked it up to buy. When they rang up my products it was 219b ($8), wow that is crazy. I said no thank you.

We went back to the guesthouse and had one more beer before bed. I have been getting the worst attack of mosquitos biting me. My legs are covered and I am getting pretty sick of it all. We went upstairs and I had to take a quick shower. The group thought I was crazy as the shower was pretty grimmy. I went downstairs to turn on the light and it wouldn't work. Then I did something and think I broke it. I got the girl at the front and she tried to turn it on with a switch. Yup think I broke it. Her mom comes out, and says one minute, comes back with a candle and apologies. I had a candle lit shower, was probably better that I could see so well in there.

Went to bed under the mosquito net, hope I am protected.

Ayuthaya, Thailand

September 28th
Wake up later than I wanted to, but needed to get that sleep. I go down for the breakfast and they made eggs and gave two pieces of toast. There were 6 young Germans at the table. I finish up and go to find this street Soi 1 to see if there are rooms available. On my way I am sweating bullets and come across Wat Maha That, decide to go in.

There are some more surrounding but rather read on them to figure out which are the best. Walk down the road and turn right, quite a long walk to arrive to the center of the city. I stop at the bank for money exchange. I hand them my passport and some Euros, I get my bahts! Then I have to sign for it, the lady checks my signature and says it is different.

Ok I know it was 5 years ago I got my passort. Then the manager comes over and tell me everything is fine, sort of laughs and smiles. I leave and see Soi 1 right there, walk over to Tonys place and ask to see a room, decent and 100b less, let them know I want it but must come back. It is already 11:30a and I need to be out of the other place by 12. I could bike it but then have two bags to carry and it is hot. The other option is tuk tuk, but they try to rip you off so bad.

They wanted 100b for the round trip, I only got it down to 70. It took a total of 15mins to go there, pack, and back to Tonys. The room is sold but they have another. I get it. Then I walk across to the bike place and go riding to the wats.


I rode around taking pictures from the outside, just so many wats. Then I found an entrance into one from a back gate. I enter and it was actually really nice. There were a couple of kids there and asked to take my photo. Ok, they take a bunch and say thank you. I was about to walk away but had to ask why, they said homework. Thought it was really cute. Go back to my bike and there is a guard waiting there for me to pay the fee. Some of the wats are free and others not, oops. Then I want go go find this Buddha outside laying down, this one is free. Ride along the path but it is a little confusing, actually find it and then it is time to head back for this boat tour I booked.

It was a good 2.5hour riding. Very hot. I know the way pretty well and get back in 10mins. Go to Tonys and order some yellow curry. Tony and his brother ask me where I am from and tell them, Tony lived in Houston for a good while. Then it was 4p and I didn't finish my food. They wrapped up my food and stored it in the fridge.

I go for the boat tour. The view from the river was much different and enlightening. I met two girls from Canada and a guy from France. The first wat we went we had to climb over the wall. There was no canal entrance, this wat was amazing and the sun was beginning to set.

With the boat tour it was kind of a rip, went to one great wat and then this chinese market place. They dropped us off at the night market and walked back. I walked with the French guy from the tour. The walk was much longer than I thought and was tired when we reached Tonys. I really wanted to see the Wats lit up at night but also to sit for an hour.

Patrice was sitting with some people and I asked if I could join. One German who has a Scottish accent, Kersten, and an American from Billings Montana, Andrew. We have a nice chat and talk about where we are heading. They are traveling for 3 months on break from Masters program.

Mention that I am going up to Sukhothai and Andrew said maybe we will cross paths again, they are routing up that way as well. They said tomorrow they will go to Bang Pa In and Lopburi. I really wanted to check out Lopburi it is where monkeys roam freely. I was invited to come with them, they leave at 10a. Finished my beer and called it a night, have to wake up early to check out one more wat.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Erawan National Park, Thailand

September 27th

Wake up at 6:45am, didn't have the best sleep. All night long down the river there is karoke, and it is the worst thing imaginable. I put in my head phones to try and block out the sound, it helped. Get my things packed as I decided that I am not staying here another night but going to Ayuthaya after the falls. I wake up Nate and we bring the bikes back to the place, the lady there was so nice and gives us a ride to the station for 30baht.

Got there just in time for the 8:20 departure, it takes about 2 hours to get up, so want to get there early. Get to the bus and the man tells us not leaving til 9a. Damn could have sat and ate breakfast.

The bus finally leaves at 9:14 and I was wondering way so late. The ride up to the falls is nothing special but you could stop off at some parks or tourist attractions.

Enter into the park and and pay the 200 baht fee. The trail is pretty easy to follow. The first tier is only 10mins away and the second is another 5 mins. The whole distance is 2.1km. The 3rd tier has a huge waterfall, pretty impressive. I go to the 4th and there are a couple of rocks that you can slide down, I will be coming back down to do that.

Nate meets back up with me and right before we get to tier 5 he says he is not going up. Ok, he might be a little nuts. I go on and get to tier 5, spectacular. Then 6, think this is getting better and better. Nate should have come up. I go around a corner and there is a fall with a cave. Then I leave my bag as it is a steeper route up this way towards 7. It is like crawling out of a dark tunnel, 7 is out in the open with trees covering it. Pretty amazing how each waterfall is completely different. There was a butterfly down by tier 2 that I tried take a picture of and the same kind was at the top, got a pic of it!

I don't spend too much time up there. Want to Get my pack and go swimming some more. When I go back down I started to get a little worried I wouldn't remember where I had put it, there were more waterfalls on a different route down. I walk a little bit in and see tier 6 below, success I grab my bag.

The tier that I really wanted to swim in was 3, but wanted to slide down the rocks at 4, head there and go for a ride. It was so much fun! I screamed a little. Then I had to capture the moment and take some photos, setup the tripod. There were two young guys yelling for me to hurry when they saw the flashing red light, made me nervous but it was just the timer.

After I heard some thunder and went to 3, getting closer to the bottom is better incase it does rain. At 3 there more people than before, but left as soon as the heard more thunder. I saw for a bit and then the showers started coming down. Already put my waterproof cover on the bag so everything was protected. Walk to the bridge and see Nate. Go to change out of my suit and run to catch the 2pm bus. Made it and was the only one leaving at that time.

Get back into town and immediately look how to get up to Ayuthaya. Couple of options but the best is to head back to Bangkok and take the train from northern terminal. Crap really didn't want to go through BKK. Book my mini van ticket for 130B and say bye to Nate.

The ride down I slept, supposed to be two hours but am well aware of the traffic getting in and out of bkk. It was a mess, got dropped off at Victory Monument at 7p (not 6) and had to take the subway to the train station. Asked a girl and she let me know I had to take BTS to the MRT which seemed different to what I originally thought.

Go up and talk to the change man and he told me what to do, buy my ticket and another woman comes up to me and says that I go up stairs and get off at Silom and cross over to the other train, when I do all this I am so grateful, because the next train came exactly when we arrived and I ran over to it without much thought. She saved me a good ten minutes. Then I get off to make the transfer to MRT, the walk way was quite nice all covered, it was pouring rain outside.

Make it to the train stop and it took about 30mins all and all, I buy the ticket for the next train leaving at 7:50pm. The 3rd class ticket was 20B and would take 1.5 hours. There were more stops along the way the listed on the schedule, so I asked someone and he said he goes to Ayuthaya. Then there was a delay for our train and I watched the next one pass us while sitting on the tracks. It seemed like we were going to have to transfer trains when the 2nd train was coming to pass us. I was thinking cool I want to jump from one train
to the next, but we didn't. Ours started to go and we left before the other one. Think something was wrong with the engine.

Finally make it to Ayuthaya at 10p. Don't have place to sleep and the guy that I was talking to walks me down a street to a guesthouse and boat transfer, thanks guy. The people try to get me to sleep at the "guesthouse" really rundown shack and I say I have a room already. Leave and walk back to the train station, the ferry was closed already. Some European travelers are coming out of the station and I ask them where they are staying. They give me the name Makador and I have no idea, hope it is on Soi 1 with the rest of the backpackers.

The owner comes to pick them up and we ask if there is room for one more. We hop in and they tell me some stories about their ride from Erawan Waterfalls; apparently they couldn't get on the last bus and asked some people that had a party bus for a ride. The party bus was decked out in lights, dj playing music, and booze. They were pretty funny people one from Holland and the other from Spain.

We get to the place and it is late, book the room for 400b. There is no Internet and pouring rain. I take a shower and hit the hay.

Kanchanaburi, Thailand

September 26th
I slept almost the whole way, when we arrived in Bangkok I really didn't want to leave the station to just come back to head up to Kanchanaburi. Nate needed to go pick up somethings from Khao San Rd though. He is going to Kanchanaburi with me.  We just missed the number 32 bus to Khao San Rd and waited another 15mins for it. By the time it came was only 7 baht, but took 30 mins to get there.

Now it is 8:15a. Go straight to the left luggage and hop on the Internet. Was checking with Julia's family in Bangkok to see if I could leave a few things with them. It was Sunday so not sure how fast they would respond. We leave there grab some food and go to get the bus 30 to Southern terminal. See the bus go just missed it again, getting tired of this. Waiting for 20 mins and it is hot and my patiences are running out. It will still take 2 hours to arrive once we get a bus. Hop in a taxi and the guy said it was metered and knew where Sai Dài bus station was at, then he pulls over to ask one of the tuk tuk guys where the bus terminal is, and then doesn't turn on the meter. We ask how much he says 200baht, Nate and I both say no no stop. We get out of the cab and get another one. This guy speaks English and puts the meter on, comes to 85baht.

Need to buy the ticket and do some money exchange, the exchange is closed and ticket sales are upstairs. Nate goes faster than me and I lose him so find the ticket window and he is not there. The next bus is at 11a. Tell a girl that she can pay I am waiting for someone. I go around the corner and see him, tells me that there was a 10:40a for 75b. Well we get the 11a for 99.  Go downstairs to the bus. The girl from the line is on the bus and we start talking to her,Alexis, she has been traveling for a year. Really nice and gave me some names of hostels in Siem Reap.

Arrived in Kanachaburi we just need to take a taxi to the main road where all the guesthouses are located, we have them take us all to Apples. It is more than I want to pay, 600baht for one night. I said I'm going to Sugar Cane as I heard good things and it is cheap. Nate and I walk over there and they have rooms available for 150 with a fan. Sounds good!
Since it was already late in the day we were not going to Earwan National Park where the waterfalls were at. Instead grabbed a little food, showered, and went to rent a bike. There was a close trail 15 minutes to the Death Bridge Rail. The bikes were easy to rent, no deposits and pay for 24hours.
Riding on the road it still takes a little getting used to as it is the British way. Motor bikes, carts, and cars all coming for us. Get off the main road and cross over another bridge and it is a straight shot.

There were many cows on the back road and they had the strangest looking ears! I went to take a picture and it started running really fast, was scared probably from my breaks. They were awful and made
loud sreeching noises.

The bridge was beautiful and rustic. You are able to walk across it so up we went, was nice to walk toward the rest of the people instead of with them. Right at the top of the stairs there was a man and his daughter, he said she should say hi to us, she just blushed. Really precious. Almost everyone came from the city center. When we got near the end, Nate said what if a train came. All of a sudden a train was heading straight for us, tracks still operating. There were little platforms for us to safely move to while on the bridge. Was a pretty cool sight being that close to the train.

We got to the end and there was a small market taking place. Nate got us some coconuts with milk in it. There wasn't very much in there but was still good. This one vendor had something that looked really good and I waited for a family to finish ordering to get some, when they finished they took them all.

Spent a little more time there walking around but I wanted to go to the cemetery we passed, looked amazing. Rode the bikes back towards the hostel and a little more up North, hooked a right and it was right there.


First there is the Cemetery for the soliders who died during the war, and then another Chinese cemetery next to it. They were both beautiful but the Chinese cemetery blow me away. The sun was just about to set and there wasn't much more to do in the town. There were some Chinese arches that led to an amusement park. Seemed like it would be a lot of fun.



Returned to the guesthouse and decided to eat dinner there, I wanted pad see ew and it was not as good as Apples in Bangkok. I put some spicy in it and it was a little better. I became so tired I called it a night.