Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pai, Thailand

October 4th

Wake up early have a phone date with Alan!! Been on the go so much we havent been able to talk on the phone. After catching up I ate a quick breakfast and packing my things we were on our way to Pai. Wasn't sure if I was going to go up for 1 or 2 nights. Left at 10:30a and had the ride up, the ride was horrible, the driver drove super fast and we were all sick from the whipping and turning fast on the curves. I thought I was going to throw up. It was too hot, fast, and I was tired.

We arrive safe enough and walk to find a place to sleep. Turn to the right and there is a place listed in LP called Baan Pai Village. We check it out and Kerstin was sold. The rooms were luxurious showers huge bed with mosquito net and the garden area had a Coy pond. Sat to get some lunch and I get a yogurt smoothie, was amazing. Then I just loaded some pics, and relaxed. Kerstin and I walked around Pai for an hour. Really small town, reminds me of Flagstaff just way more touristy. They really play up the love for the town on shirts, magnets, and anything you look at in a store. It was all so colorful but a bit overdone.

We stopped to get some fruit and ended up with quite a bit. Apples, grapes, and some potato looking fruit. Then we saw the boys sitting in a restaurant and drinking a beer. We sat for a bit and then walked back to the accommodation for some dinner.
I was really hungry and realized I didn't eat much today, ordered some tofu green curry, the tofu was enormous and delicious. I was pretty sleepy from the day and atmosphere and went to get a good night sleep.

October 5th

Wake up at 8:30a and feel good. Ready to get this day started, today we are renting motorbikes and riding around the mountains!! Kerstin wakes up and we grab breakfast. I ordered some rice with pork and egg. It reminded me of shrimp fried rice omeletts but it actually was not even close. After breakfast I knew the boys were going to take awhile getting ready so I went for a run.

Went up the hill towards the temple on the hill. There were many many stairs and it was very steep, when I reached the top the gate was locked. Poop. Go back down and continue my run. Only went for 32 min. Everyone was just finishing what they were doing and we got ready to go rent motor bikes!!
Was a bit nervous as I never drove one. There were a couple of routes to waterfalls but first we just drove around to get comfortable on the bikes. Then made a loop and towards the first waterfall. The scenery was so beautiful along the way, corn fields and mountains everywhere. We passed a Chinese town on the way to the first waterfll. Once we reached the fall we all talked about how much were enjoying the bikes, but still not used to the turns. The fastest I would go was 60.

The waterfall was nothing compared to Erawan, but there was a nice view of the town and a cool little slide. Kind of reminded me of slide rock in AZ.
Then we went to the Chinese community. There was a ferris wheel that was man operated, I wanted to go on it so bad. Kerstin went with me and was on first. She sounded petrified and I was laughing the whole time. Thought it was loads of fun. We went into a little tea house and had some free tea, they had really awesome tea sets but I couldn't imagine lugging it around. I did find little rat Chinese zodiac and bought it. Couldn't wait until Hong Kong.

We went to another waterfalll. This trail was much longer. There was a truck coming up from behind me and actually cut off Andrew. Patrice and Kerstin pulled off the side, wanted to take a picture and I was thinking oh good we will get this guy to pass. I put the brake on and the bike skidded and I fell over. It didn't hurt and I felt ok, but then I went to pick up the bike without realizing that the engine is still on and it will take off. I was going pretty fast holding on to the handles, trying to grab the brake and steered it away from Patrice and Kerstin, end up right in a ditch. Oops. Being a little startled and thinking about the damage that could have been done to me, we pulled the bike out. There was a chipped piece on the side and the mirrors were scuffed up.

Patrice and Andrew repaired the basket and the plastic on the light. It didn't look too bad. I got a little scrap from all that one my knee and thigh. I sure am lucky. We played over how much will it cost and are they going to notice.

Figured out that I used the front brake only and not both and since it was on sand made me fall over. Now I know not to pick up a bike that is still on. Made it to the other waterfall and it was much more impressive. There was a trail and we started going up it, but it was already 4p and would be getting dark soon. Some people said it was a bit of a ways out and Kerstin said she was something 2.5 on a map. We turned back around and headed to the hot springs. Since it was late we got in for free. The park was going under a lot of construction but the springs were awesome. Some people were cooking bags if food in the 80 degrees one.

Then we left to go to the Temple on the hill. Patrice turned to go down and I watched Andrew struggle a bit with it and when I went to go, the turn was too sharp and the bike fell over. I was so tired by this time and needed to call it quits. Turned off the engine and picked up the bike.

We went back to the guesthouse. Ordered some dinner and I got a Mai Tai, need a drink. Also got some fish ‘n chips. A couple at another table ordered tons of food and told us to come have some so I went over to them and was talking about where they were from and my accident. Super nice people from Denmark. Then my food arrived.

Then we walked around town, found a great book store. Picked up a new book to read, The Second Sex. Walked a little more, I wanted to find this owl that I saw yesterday in a shop, but the shop wasn't open. Andrew was beat from the night before so went to bed, and the three of us went to a bar. The bar we found had some really great recycled pieces; a table out of a bike and a table painted to look like a piano. We played 3 games of Jenga, loads of fun. Went to scope out a new place and the next bar had some live music, had a beer and listened. We were going for a hike the next morning so we went back after that.

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