Saturday, October 9, 2010

Doi Suthep, Thailand

October 6th

Wake up 3 times in the night not feeling up to par. Kerstin, Andrew and I eat, then we pack up our bags and check out. Have to be back at 1p to turn in the bikes. Kerstin and I set off on our own. Make it to the trail and start hiking. Today I feel my run in my calves, good run yesterday. We were figuring that the 2.5 had to be kilometers.

The trail was good although we had to walk through the water and Kerstin didn't have proper shoes. She was afraid of falling with her bag so waited for me as I went on to see what was there. The end was right there, a cave and the a water way that went to another waterfall. It was awesome how I had to get to it, rock climbing and making way through all the fresh spider webs.

We left and tried to head for the wat on the hill. Same route as yesterday and couldn't find it. Our fuel was on E so we hurried back and dropped off the bikes with the boys. The people handed Andrew his passport and didn't inspect the bikes, whew got away with the damages.

Booked our mini bus back to Chiang Mai and went for lunch, seems like we never miss meal. Got some Pad Thai but I knew it would not be as good as the other night. The bus ride this time was much more smooth. We were in Chiang Mai before we knew it. Went in search for Your Guesthouse. Patrice looked it up, ran by a French man. 30mins later we say let's just pick a different place. Find Your guesthouse and Patrice said it was too quiet. We walk back by Giant guesthouse. Free water, rea, and coffee and there is a kitchen (150b).

Great put our things in the room and go for dinner. Eating again, I just ordered some chips and a beer. Then we go into 7 Eleven and buy a beer to walk around with before deciding where we want to go next. There is a car bar set up with stools and tables, go for a beer there.

Return to the guesthouse and met some new people, they were all French. Hung out for a bit and it was a good last night for our group.

October 7th

Well it hits me hard. Feel awful. Kerstin and Andrew are leaving for their meditation clinic today do we go down to eat breakfast, find this little bakery and it is delicious. I got lemongrass tea and banana french toast. Say our goodbyes and then I go back to bed. Patrice and I are going to Doi Suthep later by motorbike.

I wake up feeling a little better and go to print out my information for Cambodia need a visa form, copy of my passport, passport photos, and the flight details. There was a print shop and kodak right next to one another. Done in 5 mins and just need to pick up the photos later.

I return to get Patrice and we find a shop to rent motorbikes. They are completely professional and have insurance. We only were renting one given my skills on the bike, the city is just to over crowed and going up the mountain is not smart.

Getting out of the city and up to the top took 40mims. We walked to the staircase that leads to the temple. It was a bit of a struggle since we were not 100% yet.

Then we pay the 30b for entry and walk around. There were people in a class international Buddhist meditation center, exactly the sort of thing Kerstin and Andrew are doing. I go get an ice cream to try and cool down. We sit on a bench overlooking the city below. after a bit we get up to go into the temple and we see Andrew and Kerstin. Their meditation thing here, crazy. Pretty good that we didn't originally come up here with them, they now have 10days there.

Kerstin left her iPod in the room and o was really wishing I put it on my backpack to give to her. We are going to just mail it up to the center. Say goodbye again and head back down the mountain. There was much more too see up there, waterfalls and wats on the way but just don't have enough time. Arrive safely back in town and drop the bike. Then I have to just pick up the photo and see if the post office is open. This one was closed and it was only 6pm. I stop to grab a kebap for the bus ride.

The taxi comes at 6:40p and takes me to the bus. It is no where as nice as the one from Sukhothai to Chiang Mai. Real shame going to be a shitty 11 hour ride. I have a seat to my self so at least I can spread out. Another taxi comes and tons of people board. A girl asks me if she can sit next to me, really sucks because there are only men with open seats so of course I say yes. Give her the window, but now I can't recline my seat as the guy behind me is really tall. To add I am not feeling any air coming down on me and start to sweat like crazy. I fell asleep for 30 mins and then I couldn't take it anymore. I had to recline, went to the seat across from me. Lots of leg room and could recline.

We had a break and the girl apologized for me having to move. Let her know it is much better now. Get some water and back on the bus. I slept almost the entire way.

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