Sunday, October 31, 2010

Siem Reap/Angkor Wat, Cambodia

October 8th
Arrived in Bangkok at 5a, ended up speaking to the girl next to me and some others on the bus. They were in search for a place to sleep, I haven't yet decide if I could stay awake or not. I walked with them for an hour and then was ready to sleep. Went back to My House Guesthouse since it was so cheap, but when I checked the toilets they weren't even wiped down from the previous person being in there. The seats were wet from when they showered.

I went to New Siam as a couple said that the place was good enough. I was on the 5th floor. When I went to shower they were all occupied and went down to the next level.

Went back to sleep for 3 hours. Since I have been storing some stuff since I arrived I wanted to make sure my things were still there. Take a walk down to the storage place, yup everything was fine, the bag just smells a bit. Need to do laundry badly.

Then I went to go find a market and roam around. I reached a market near Khao San Rd. and pick up a couple of dresses, then I walked towards the National Museum. When I came out of the museum Nate and my tuk tuk driver asked me "where you go". I started laughing couldn't believe that the same exact guy came up to me, then I said you already drove me once before and he pointed to a man behind him and said teacher. The guy that directed us to the sites before. We so fell apart of the scam. I waved and walked towards the Grand Palace, Wat Kho is just behind it with the reclining Buddha.

It really annoyed all the tuk tuks that I wanted to walk. All I heard all day was " where you go? "Or here is this site as I stood in front of it. I made my way to China town wanted to see the gates, but got trapped in the beauty if the markets. It was awesome to walk through the wholesale warehouse.

Then it was about time to walk back. Wanted to eat before the flight and get the bus ticket to the airport booked.

I went pretty quickly and was going to make it back by 3p but then I missed my turn and went 10 mins out of the way. Ended up getting to the travel place at 3:25, ask for the bus ticket and she said minivan is 130b leaves at 4pm. Cutting it close but say ok. Then she said they were full for the 4p hour.

She makes another call and tells me tone ready in 20mins. My place is right next door so I run up and pack everything. Go downstairs and a guy comes a long saying airport. Yes, wait 5 mins. Turns out to be 10, but we set out and have to pick two more people up and transfer vans.

Not worried about time am allowing 2.5 hours to get to the gate. The guy was crazy driving on the shoulder and cutting people off, got us there in an hour. Not bad during rush hour.

Go through check in and there was no one in line. Then security was super quick. Walk along the shops, Bangkok's airport is super large. I realized the time and thought I should eat. The prices were equivant to the US. Figured I would eat in Cambodia. Go to board the plane and two guys are talking, they sound worried about flying, entry, and just over cautious with their travels. We start talking and they sit one row behind me. Then we grabbed a cab together and I went to Mandalay Guesthouse.

When I arrived the guy came out asked if I wanted to stay there and grabbed my bag. Then I get the room for two nights. Go put my stuff in and ask him about the best way to get to and around Angkor. He said he could drive me on the motorbike. Tben said the best time to go is for sunrise.

That is a 4:30a wake up call. Ok let's do it only once right. We would leave by 4:50a.

I go back to my room and 30 mins later Dave and Paul come to the hotel to find their friends. I get a knock at my door and join them out. First we walk to Pub St to see what the night life is like, there is a holiday tonight and the bars are filled. The music is so incredibly loud and not really appealing to stay. Check out Angkor What? to see if their friends are in there. Leave immediately when we don't find them. Walk over to the store to get a beer so we can walk around the night market area. On the way in a little boy runs and grabs my hand and arm. Then follows us in the store and asks me to buy him milk priced at $11. Wow this kid is trained, I say no and he goes for the cheaper brand, still say no. Then he goes for the .65 individual milk. I buy my beer and his milk. Just wanted the kid to let go of his grip on my arm. Then we go to the night market. They sell everything for the same price as the States, have to really bargin with them.

Start to walk back towards the bars and see the fish tank you put your feet in, $3 for the tank and a beer. Paul and I try it out. Feels kind of akward at first and then pretty good. Not sure if it improved anything but let's assume it did. There are two bars that have a crowd on the street Angkor What and Temple, What was jammed packed so we went to Temple, stayed for a drink and then said it was time to go.
Got a tuk tuk even though the walk is 2 mins away.

October 9th

4:30a rolls around rather quick and I hop out of bed. My driver and I take off and stop at the ATM to pay for the $20 ticket.

The ticket to Angkor is pretty cool, take your photo and have to show it at every Temple. Still dark when I walk up towards Angkor and can't see the steps, wish I had a light. Hear the pond is best to catch a great photo. Then I went inside while the mass of people stood outside. It is truly a sight to see and when the sun hits the temple it illuminates it perfectly.

After much time in the temple I go back by the pond and take some more pictures. Love the height of the sun and the reflection in the pond.

I debate about eating and decide it would be best to beat the crowds and go to the next temple, Angkor Thom, this one is huge and has an entry gate that leads up to Bayon. So impressive I am starting to think I planned the trip perfectly, see the smaller Temples and Ruins in Thailand and end with Angkor.

I climb up the temple, walk on Terrace of the Elephants, and pass Phimeanakas. I am really hungry now and stop at one of the stalls. Start to think I should have eaten by the enterance as the conditions don't look to appealing. I am the only tourist around. The food comes and I ordered bread with egg and fried potatoes. Translation toasted French roll, melted Swiss cheese packet, fried egg, and greasy fries. It turns my stomach a bit. I also got a mixed fruit drink (can) to balance the price evenly.

I eat and either need to vomit or poop, the fries were the worst part and I ate all, but I couldn't think of wasting food here.

Walk towards North Kleang and a young boy starts asking where I come from and talking to me. He gives me his tour and is very informative, tells me about the symbols and meanings of the temples. I offer him a dollar and he says he wants my 100b in my wallet. This shocks me how fast his eyes move to my currency. Well I tell him $2 or 50b and then let him know I didn't ask for his tour. Does the spiel about attending school and needing 100b. I leave and go on to the next temple, Ta Keo.

Cambodia can be cheap but there are certain things that help make you spend money quick. Siem Reap is the most expensive city in Cambodia. I really liked Ta Keo although it was not ranked so high on the temple ratings. I hiked up the top and was dripping sweat. It was really steep. I took a break and sat for a little before we moved to the next.

I was able to get the small circuit finished and some of the big before working up an appetite again and we were in front of Angkor again where there was a nice restaurant. I sat down at the table and Mr. Kat told me to order the Amok, Cambodian favorite. It was very good and enjoyed it. Cambodian food is not spicy at all like Thai.

Once I finished we went to some other Temples and the last one being a Hindu temple. You are able to tell immediately the difference between the Buddha and Hindu temples. This was the last before my camera battery died. Forgot to charge it the night before. There were way too many clouds for the sunset to be special so I asked to be taken back.

Once I got to the guesthouse I grabbed a quick shower and put my pictures on the computer, then I passed out. Was exhausted from the day. I woke up and there was a message from Paul and Dave saying dinner at 8-8:30p. I got up and was still tired but proceeded to get ready. Last night here, make the most of it. I then had to lay down, really tired. It was 8p and raining very hard. I walked to the lobby and no one was there. I went back to the room and thought I could just sleep the whole night. Rain stopped rather quickly and I went back outside and they were all there. There was about 8 people. I got introduced and some thought I was in their program in Hong Kong, nope just a stray.

We walk to a restaurant that one of the girls heard about and some of us wanted to order a bunch of stuff and just spilt. We ordered a bottle of wine, it was pretty good (Australian). I saw this dish that had pumpkin and eggplant and said we have to get that. Dave did all the ordering for us and did a great job. Plenty of food, but everyone ate it all. I took some pictures of the feast. We all got up to find the night market and maybe get our feet eaten by the fishes.

I bought some shirts and scarfs, but was kind of bummed that I had to carry them the whole night. We sat at a small bar outside and talked. Dave really wanted to dance and we finished our beer and went in. Ordered us Vodka Tonics only a $1, so nuts. We lost some people and it was just Dave, Chris, and Paul left. The guys were pretty funny, they were holding my bags for me while dancing. Ended being kind of a late night and I had a tour the next day at 8am. I got dropped off and went to bed.

October 10th

The next day I go for my tour to the floating village. It is only a few hours so I left my stuff in the room and would check out once I returned. I had way to many things and needed to buy another luggage. I get picked up by the guides and we drive down to the boats. The ride wasn't very long, but it was amazing to see a whole village living on boats. There was a Catholic church, a school, houses, farmers, fisherman, you name it. Then I had a nice lunch on a huge boat. Layed in a hamock while they prepared it. Nice peaceful and relaxed day. They made me two dishes since I was the only one, sweet and sour chicken and beef with beans. It was very tasty just a lot of food. Then dessert was watermelon and pineapple.

After lunch we headed back to land and while driving I saw a pomegraten field and asked to stop to take some photos. I had to walk through someones house and in water as it was all flooded from the rain. Took some photos and returned back to the car. Once we got back I went straight to the room to shower and pack. I checked out and left my bags in the hallway.

I planned on doing some shopping and since my bags we overfull now I thought I should get a suitcase. I went to the old market and bought a dress and a suitcase. Needed to go to the ATM if I wished to shop more. I was to tired and winded from the lack of sleep the past couple of nights that I just went back to the guesthouse. My flight was at 6p and I would leave at 4p. I had some time to waste. Could have easily put my pictures on the computer from the day but I didn't. I was going to try and meet up with Dave and Paul again for lunch but they had a cooking course and probably weren't too hungry.

At 3p I went to pick up my laundry that I dropped off yesterday. The lady needed 24 hours, that is a long time in my opinion. When I went to pick it up the boy was like is every in there? I have no idea I will have to check. I went across the street and started putting it in my new luggage. I am missing all my pants. I run back over and say I have no pants. The lady runs to the dryer and is says I am so sorry. Haha I would not get very far with a pair of short shorts for the next couple of days.

Time for my flight and I ask the tuk tuk to stop at the ATM. I grab some money out and go to pay him. He has no change for the $20. I try to find change, but now I have to buy something. I am a little peeved because he  knew I would be stopping at the ATM on the way to the airport. I give him the $4 and thank him. I think he was bummed that I didn't tip.

I finish my ice cream from Dairy Queen and go into the airport to check in. There is no line again. There is an exit visa that you must pay, $25. I knew about the entry visa of $20 but an exit visa, man they get ya. So I pay and go sit at my gate. There is the most beautiful sunset tonight. It was a vibrant orange. Of course. The plane only has about 10 passengers and we load up pretty quickly.
I am a little nervous because I decided that I didn't want to stay in the same area as before in Bangkok. I haven't booked a room anywhere yet and wasn't sure where I would be sleeping. I get into Bangkok and book and bus ticket for Siam, AE4. I take the bus and get off at MBK (huge shopping area). I plan on shopping all day tomorrow so this is right where I want to be. I also have to get that left luggage before the day is over.

I walk toward two guesthouses listed in the Lonely Planet and feel like I have walked to far. I start to see bright lights and there is a new modern looking hostel. I go to check it out. They just opened a few months ago and I ask how much. The guy tells me you are in luck there is a promotion going on for the dorms at 330b per night. In this area I read it is 400-600b. Damn right I am in luck. I ask to see it and it is amazing. There is a section just for women, showers and bathrooms are luxurious, wash/dryer and free Wi-Fi. What! I'll take it. I feel like my day just got that much better. I drop my stuff and I pass out.

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