Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Andalsnes, Norway

August 3rd
Felt good to be departing Oslo and going up the Norwegian Coastline. I woke up a bit later than I wanted to thanks to arriving late at the campsite. Had to take a shower because of last nights events. My shoes smelled awful by the way and I was pretty furious. My roommates were most helpful trying to get me ready and out on time, Justine made my lunch for the day, sweetheart! Getting on the bus it seems like all the Veterans sat in the back and just wanting a seat by the window I chose the first available. I sat down and was in the middle, didn't have the best window. A kid named Luke came and sat next to me, he gave me some inside information at dinner yesterday (how to flap dry the plates). I was so tired, but the scenery was really pretty that I didn’t feel the urge to sleep yet.
Not to sure how bus days were treated, so I wanted to be up the first day.

Luke was good company and we talked a lot about traveling and where he lives in Australia. He is also going to be at Oktoberfest for the opening weekend. I also found out that there is a larger duration of this trip, majority of the people are going to Russia, Poland, and Latvia as well. They started in Berlin, went to Copenhagen, Stockholm, and then met us in Oslo. Thought it would be a little weird getting to know everyone as they formed some groups, but came to see that we joined at a good time. They already lost some people and we will be camping with these people for 2 weeks.

Joey, tour guide, let us know that we would be starting a Viking Olympics during the course of the 2 weeks. It is to give us all something to do. Sounds like we might be in store for some low key atmospheres and need to entertain ourselves as much as possible. The events consisted of receiving points for stealing flags and then whatever activity he announced that day or evening. He said the first one was the bobsled race, which ever team received the fastest time won. He read off the names of the people, not knowing everyone and forgetting some names I was not sure who was on my team. I only knew that I was on team Norway.
We approached Lillehammer where the ‘94 Winter Olympics were held. The bus dropped us off and team Norway gathered around so that we knew who was on our team. Wow this is a shock, two guys on the team and not the most athletic girls. Is this a joke? I tell ya, we better have some brains behind us. It was time to go down the run and we made better time than any other group so far! Looking good. While we waited for everyone to finish I thought about taking a nap. I was feeling worse as the day progressed. Well the bobsled race was complete and the best time had members from Norway and Sweden! We got some points on the board. The other thing that we had to come up with by the evening was a slogan, song, and mascot for our team. It was almost perfect since I just bought a bookmark that said I <3 Noway on it! Good that is our mascot. Plus I was holding it up since it said Norway on it for our group photo.

Then after we went on the bobsleds we headed to a gorgeous church and cemetery on the way to Andalsnes. This place was picturesque and truly amazing. 1 of the 28 Staves, Ringebu Stave Church is still the main church of the Ringebu parish and is only opened in the summer for siteseeing. The sky in Norway is so crystal blue and the color so vibrant. I could not believe how well the place photographed. I asked Luke if he could take a photo of me and handed him my camera, before I was set to stand where I wanted for the picture, he dropped my camera. Breathe Lisa, you really don’t know this person. I managed to get a smile for the picture, but was wondering why he dropped my camera.

Back on the bus we go and pass by some towns and then are driving through so amazing scenery. I could not believe that some people were sleeping as we were passing enormous mountains and waterfalls streaming down. It was a site that could not be capture by a photo from the bus. This was day one on the bus, I could hardly wait to see what else Norway had to offer! We were definitely getting close to our campsite, Andalsnes Camping and Hotel, and it was right on the lake. Normally there is a room list that goes around , but Joey wanted to mix and mingle some of the newbies with the vets. So again curious to see who I am going to be placed with. We would be spending 2 nights here, so I hope the accommodations are nice.

Once we are in camp we setup the tent and kitchen to have everything ready so we can eat some din din. Then Joey calls off the rooms list and cabin numbers. Cabin 1, I am called, sweet where do I go. Our cabin was right next to the tent and was huge. 7 people could sleep in there and I was with 2 older Korean women, Jules and Justine (from last night), Jess, and Zani. This place had a kitchen, living room, and private bathroom. I had the top bunk again as I tend not to move so much when I sleep. Once I put my pack down I went outside to see if there was any help that needed to be done in the tent. I prepared the Salmon and chicken we would be eating. I was really hungry and hoping that it would be made faster if I help. Not at all, I think it made me more hungry.

            View from my Cabin

After dinner we would be playing a game of dodgeball to get the Viking Olympics started. Like I said my team did not seem very sporty, we shall see how this goes. Once we were set to eat they usually call the people that helped up first to eat. This was not the case tonight, everyone just went up to eat. Well I guess I will not be helping much after this. I was bitter since I did all the work and was not rewarded per the norm. We ate and there was enough for seconds, then once we flapped and got everything clean we had an hour before Dodge ball.

The group met back up in the common room so we could go over the points for the day, then we had to present our team, slogan, mascot, and song. We fortunately were not the first to go as we heard people coming up with individual names? Did not know that was a part of it. Norway went up and we introduced ourselves, I just picked Small Fry since I had my shirt with the name on the back (figured I would wear it and be clever), we sang our song “All the way from Norway” with the melody being "All the single ladies", then introduced Jorgensen our mascot. It was pretty fun to see some peoples creative sides come out.

Then it was time for Dodge-ball. Let’s just say we didn’t win. Went back to my room and made some tea. Later Tony stopped by and had a cup of tea with Jess and me. His place was a shack and no room to sit, just two beds for him and the other Scott. It seemed like people were a bit scattered around, we had an early morning a head of us and didn't stay up late. Went to bed so I could have a pleasant day tomorrow.

August 4th
Happy Birthday Pam! Today we are going on 3 ferry rides and one of them being the Geiranger Fjord. All I have heard is if you go to Norway you must go to the Geiranger Fjord. Glad that I don't have to wait to long in anticipation. Wake up, shower, eat, and on the bus. I missed the opportunity to have a window seat today so I sat next to Emma and peered over her shoulder. I noticed that there is a new face on the bus and for a second I am beginning to think I am a wee bit crazy, but no it is this kid, Derek, who didn’t know he had to get a Russian visa for the trip and had to fly to the London from Stockholm and get it issued and then manage to make way and meet back up with the group. Talk about a pain in the ass for a trip that has been long planned. Well some how it worked out and the thing that he missed was Oslo. He made it just in time. He is on team Norway, yay for us another guy. There is so much to see today, the itinerary even said to make sure your cameras are charged.

The first stop is Stigfass Falls it is so long and beautiful, the waterfall is running down the entire mountain and into the valley. Looking at the road ahead it is a long zigzag way up, this is known as Troll’s Pass. The bus somehow is going to make it up that.

Stop 2, there were some little houses with grass on the tops of them, name of this is torvtak, “turf roof”. Basically, used for stabilization and insulation for the house.

The day was pretty quite and relaxed as we couldn’t get enough of the views from outside. The first ferry ride was only 10-15 mins long. The sky was a perfect shade of blue with some clouds. We crossed over and Joey made an announcement that the people in the front row had to switch out, I jumped up there and took a front row seat for a bit! Then we saw an amazing image, the reflections on the lakes of the mountains covered the entire lake, it was something I never seen before. I thought the day could not get more impressive until I saw the top of the Fjord. Complete awe over this site. It is really jaw dropping and the most beautiful place I have seen yet. Got out of the bus to enjoy the breathtaking view and to take pictures to show everyone later!

The bus had to go down into the valley again, very slowly, I looked behind us and there was a line of cars waiting patiently to come down. We went to some of the souvenir shops and waited for the departure of the ferry cruise through the fjord. One of the big things here are massive over-sized Trolls, we see them everywhere. Time ran by incredibly fast, but I was able to pick up some postcards before we boarded.

While on the ferry Emma and I were craving some ice cream and they had a snickers ice cream bar, I was so excited and had to get it. One of my favorites, Papa and Nana would always have them in the freezer at their house. Great memories. We sat atop with some of the group, and soaked in the scencery, watched the many waterfalls, and took many photos. I had to get up and walk around a bit, saw some Asians feeding the seagulls bread. This was really quite awesome because the seagulls would dive down and do flips while trying to catch the bread to eat. It seemed like they were trained to do this. Ah nature.

Then it was time to exit the ferry and we were stopping off for lunch. We had soup and bread. Right after I went over by the bridge we crossed to have a look. Everywhere we seemed to go was perfect. I headed back to the bus and everyone was already on and waiting for me. Oops. Joey didn’t give a time when we were leaving so I was not to know. Then I had to wear the Viking hat the rest of the day. It was too big and I complained about it when someone yelled at me for not wearing it. Then we had a bit of driving to do and they turned on a movie and I fell asleep. I guess it was needed. When I woke up it was time to get on the next ferry. I was a little disoriented at the moment. Got off the bus and walked on the pier. There was a massive “chair” so I climbed up took a pic in it and then got down. Everyone else on the tour followed suit. Trend setter! On the ferry ride it was pretty windy and started to feel the temperatures dropping as the day was getting later. I was getting a bit nervous because my memory card was filing up super fast. I was almost gone for a almost a week already.

We then proceeded to a couple more stops, one with a gorgeous waterfall and the other in the open valley. Today was great with so much to see there were frequent stops and good to walk around and stretch our legs. Sitting on the bus for to long is miserable and tiredsome.

There was one more final stop before reaching camp. This was back by Trolls pass and Stigfass Falls, but now the aerial view. Nice to be able to see all parts of the area. There were little souvenir shops all along the walking path. Would be kind of cool to come to work each day to a place like this and see all the tourists that pass through. I know when I worked at Four Seasons it never got old gazing into the mountains and watching the sunsets. We were allowed 10 mins off the bus, figured out it was a bit further of a walk than anticipated, we were then allowed more time. I think some people when back to the bus because they didn’t know that they could go up, I really wouldn't have listen either way, this is what we came to see and I was going to see it. Plus already earned the Viking hat for the day.

Today when I got back I was in search of a memory card or blank cds. I had to find a way so that I could take more photos. I wasn’t yet out of space, but the time was soon approaching. The further North we were heading I wasn’t sure if I would be able to find anything. I asked reception if they had any, he said no, but he might have a blank disc in his car. Awesome thanks, so I walk out with him and he tells me that his sister lives in Maine. Really nice guy and can’t believe he went out of his way to check, ended up not having it. So Emma, Scott, and I walked to town, took about 15mins, so that I could look for something to help me. Joey told us on the bus today we were playing Pictionary and tomorrow we needed to have customs/dress up. We went into this store that had everything, I found red and blue yarn and thought it might be helpful for our dress up. We walked back in time for dinner and it was Curry, pretty decent. Then we went into common area again and started the games. We got the first 4out of 5 right. Rocking this, and then people were complaining that Joey could only hear us call out the answers. I don’t know what it was but we did so good. We were in the lead but Finland was gaining points fast. The last questions were worth 5 points and very hard. I said that I will draw one, since we got points on mine every time. Thank god to because it was a pearl jam song that I would never have know. I thought some people on our team would for sure know it. Sure enough I drew fast and sufficient clues and we won! I was jumping up and down it was glorifying after losing so badly in Dodgeball.

Our team was supposed to meet up and discuss the costume, but Matt and Derek were playing Chess and the girls were complaining to Joey about him being unfair. We won there should be nothing to discuss. I think some of them had a crush on him and this is the reason for complaining. Scott and I went to go take pictures of the incredible sunset. I heard there was a rainbow.

Then we brainstormed for our costumes and we had no ideas. Anneka was tired and started weaving the yarn and we thought we can for sure use that and tie a NOK on it. It was all we had and then put some yarn in our hair and wear braids. Good enough.

Scott came over to the cabin so I could load my pictures on his laptop since I was worried about the memory card being full the next day. Then went to bed.  

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