Monday, September 13, 2010

Tysfjord, Norway

August 7
Early wake up call today and the reason I didn't want to drink last night. Today we are going to the Glacier!! It is something that I was really looking forward to and wanted to have as much energy as I could. Break down camp and have to hear about how there were beers and trash left outside, way to go girls. They are in pretty good form for such a long night. Right when we get on people are sleeping immediately, we have a bit of a drive before actually getting to the ferry. Then we have to hike for about 45 mins to Svartisen Glacier. Luke asked me when we got off the bus if I was going to drink a beer at the glacier, I said that is not a bad idea. So I went back on the bus and grabbed two Carlsbergs, he said he was out of beer so I gave him one. Derek caught wind of what we were up to and grabbed one as well. I was nice and refreshed from not drinking the night before, this will be delightful after the hike. The pack gets on the ferry and the thing sounds awful, really think we are going to have the motor break down and sink. But we get there safely after about 10 mins. Before we started the hike I threw on another long sleeve and my hat as I was a little chilly. We head up and the rock formation is like little steps. A little incline but nothing we all couldn't handle. There is a stopping point and it is starting to get hot with all my layers on that I have to take off my hat and long sleeve that I just put on.

Of course it was yet again a lovely view of the water, mountains, and reflections. I had a nice chat with Jason during the hike. We started to see the glacier in our view! Yay we are here. I was a little bit further behind Luke and Derek since I would stop for the occasional photo. Then I reached them and we cracked open our beers. It was really delicious. Sat back and relaxed for a bit, but only for a bit.

Then I started taking photos in front of the glacier and one jumping. I felt a little odd since usually when I take a picture of myself it is because no one else is around to watch me. I couldn't get the timing down and asked Rash to help me out. She said I already have one of you, but there was no glacier behind me so I made her take one with my camera. Came out good. She then was inspired to be dorky like me and pose.

I was finishing my beer when all of the sudden I felt something in my mouth. Yum a fly. Don't know how that got in there. Luckily it wasn't on the last sip I discovered it so I was able to enjoy the last sip. I really wanted another beer, but it was I didn't have one probably would have come crashing down. We were allowed some time before heading back. I walked in the back with Joey and we talked about the tours throughout Western Europe with Topdeck and what he prefers. Would prefer to do this one everytime. On the way I had to pee before we got on the ferry ride back. There were some bushes, guess I got my wish.

We jump off the ferry and I see some people going into the little pitstop to get coffee and go to the bathroom. Derek and I walk down and grab a coffee. It must have taken a while longer than we thought because Adam and Zani were infront of us and by the time we came out of the store they were already on the bus. We got to the bus and Joey handed us each a Vikings hat. Damn this is the 2nd time now. Take my seat next to Emma and we head up to the Arctic Circle.

Here we enter and there is a gift shop, some stone towers, and a sign that says Arctic Circle. I buy some post cards and take a corny picture. There is time for a group photo.

We have one more stop before camp and we just get off to stretch our legs and again use the toilets. I decide to walk out on to the patio and see the scenic lake. Arrival in Tysfjord it is team Norways turn to put up the tent. We were dreading this since not many of us put this up before. It was pretty painful and 5 mins felt like a lifetime We already knew that we wouldn’t win. The cabins are pretty nice. In my room tonight is the same as last night. We go scope out the campsite, there is a gym, sauna, tire swings, and a lake.

Here the cabins have an upstairs and showers in them. I am really hoping when we stay at different cities they all have the showers. It is definitely a luxury. I am sleeping up top with Krysten. Alicia asks if I want to go for a run and I say I am going to take the night off since we did get a little bit of a hike in. We agree that we should go in the morning before we depart. Then it is time for dinner already, good because I am starving.

We have some time before the games begin. I feel more relaxed since the memory card is open and I have nothing to worry about. Head over to the lake and we see some amazing reflections on the water. We snap away. It was so funny Emma wanted to jump in the photo and a bird was flying so I yelled out hurry bird. The picture would have been perfect but her scarf flew up in her face. We took another, but there was no bird.
We go inside to the common room for the games and it is trivia. I am honestly probably the worst person at trivia. I second guess everything. We got very little points. We didn't have all of team Norway participating. It was one of the guys birthdays and they bought him a cake, so we sang. It was nice, he even got to wear a birthday hat.

Afterwards the girls head back to the room and Emma shows us her swollen ankles from the bug bites the night before. It was awful, she said it hurt to walk. That night I took a laxative. We went to sleep and prepared for our 6a run.

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